12-15-2024 03:10 AM
So what happened is I accidentally dropped it then when I tried to play on it the controller went haywire and what the controllers were doing was just turning off and on like every second and they couldn't even move or neither click anything and my vr's screen. . . Do you like know about the starter thing in vr's like the password to get in the vr it just kept following me but I can indeed shut it off or go to the sleep mode, shut down mode, restart mode you know right so anyone got a fix for this?
12-15-2024 03:50 AM
@Geud it sounds like the drop caused damage to the tracking system or cameras. You could try a factory reset but I don't think this will cure the problem. Try contacting meta quest support.
Depending on where you live there may be repair services - https://www.fixmyoculus.com/?srsltid=AfmBOor5GjQf6XsR_uARy5KnqTIYkS8BOYoUW82wT-wJX23mo0oMpqVP
12-15-2024 04:36 AM
Ty but I don't really know where repair things were so ty
12-15-2024 07:24 AM
@Geud https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=vr+headset+repairs+in+my+country
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