02:52 PM
- last edited on
02:55 PM
This is posted from an alt account. I had played VR using the original quest but stopped playing after starting college, and recently with new Quest coming out I decided to get back into it and as the title states I no longer have access to 2FA that was used on my account and need assistance accessing my account. I made the account through facebook and have access to the facebook but cannot login into Meta due to 2FA. I have the login information to the Meta account but am unable to get past the 2FA
10-16-2024 02:59 PM
Hey there!
Please send us a private message so we can assist you with getting access to your account.
To send us a private message, please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport.
Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
Did this answer your question? If it didn’t, use our search to find other topics or create your own and other members of the community will help out.
If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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