01-05-2025 09:51 PM
I need an IPD of 69-71mm and when using the wheel it stops at a highest 65mm. It physically won’t go further as the wheel sort of “clicks” into place and won’t move any more once reaching 65mm.
01-05-2025 11:59 PM
@SillyOtter5724 Can you physically move the lenses apart without using the slider?
You're not the only one with this issue. Contact @metaquestsupport.
01-06-2025 06:20 AM
I haven’t tried moving the lenses on their own without the slider, I wasn’t aware I could do that. I recently just got the meta quest 3 so I’ll give it a shot, thanks.
01-06-2025 08:20 AM
@SillyOtter5724 it may help if you rotate the wheel at the same time as moving
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