05-17-2024 06:36 AM - edited 05-17-2024 06:37 AM
I used to create a meta horizon account with Facebook and after that I changed my email on Facebook. Then when logging into the meta account It's like you'll be prompted to choose between the old email and the new email. Then I select a new email. I don't know if old unselected emails will be removed from the system or not. I want to know if what I found is true or not. Or am I just remembering it wrong? And if it actually happened Unselected email Will it be removed from the meta horizon system?
05-17-2024 03:53 PM
Hey @pckkgc! We really appreciate you reaching out about this, and we would love to help out. To be sure we fully understanding your issue, you are wanting to know if your old email remains on the account after selecting to use a new email?
We look forward to hearing back from you soon!
05-17-2024 04:42 PM
I want to know if the old email is still in meta horizon after I changed it and I want to know as well. When I change my Facebook email address, will the old email address that I used with Facebook in meta horizon still be in the meta account?
05-17-2024 04:47 PM
Okay, no worries! You are able to see what emails and what accounts are used with what email by logging in on the accounts center and going to personal details. We hope this helps.
Have a great rest of your day!
05-17-2024 04:54 PM
I want to know if the old email is still in meta horizon account sytem after I changed emails in facebook acount
05-17-2024 05:19 PM
We totally understand, as we stated before you are able to see what emails are still connected to your meta horizon account by signing in and looking into personal settings.
Have a nice day!
05-17-2024 05:35 PM
I don't want to know That old email is still with my meta account or not. But I want to know if the old email address I changed in facebook is still in the meta horizon account system (entire system) or not. And I want to know this things I'm posting about that I've experienced There's a system like that Did it really happen?
05-17-2024 05:56 PM
Hi there! Thank you for reaching out to us today in regards to this issue. Although we would love to assist you with this issue, we don't have access to Facebook account information here at Meta. We also limited to tools and access that will allow us to view the information. The only information that should be available in our systems is what you see when you log into your account. If your old email is still connected to meta horizon it should still be there. Are your meta account and Facebook account connected?
If you would like us to take a further look into any other issues we would like to invite you to PM us to keep your information private. To do so, please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
Have a nice day!
05-17-2024 06:05 PM
Thank you for your help. But I tried typing the old email name in the meta login through that email. And it tells me to create a new account. This means that the email address does not exist in the system. So I don't have this problem anymore.
05-17-2024 06:32 PM
Awesome! Thanks for letting us know and we are glad that we could help. Please don't hesitate to reach back out if you need us.
Have a great rest of your night!
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