12-25-2021 10:22 AM
I'm using my Oculus Quest 2 to play VR games via Steam using the link cable. I have bought various titles during the Steam winter sale, Skyrim VR being one of them. Performance is absolutely ludicrous. One minute it works perfectly, the next time it's a juddery mess. This seems to be across the board with the OQ2. I have tried using various hacks like Open Composite, when I used it for the first time, it made Skyrim VR run like a dream, not a quiver/shake or judder in sight. Now we are back to the juddering and the shaking. Yes I have used mods, but nothing intensive. This goes for other games as well, like DCS world, Project Cars 2 etc. What gives? Most of these games are nigh on unplayable, even though Steam VR check gives me the green light for all of them. My PC is no slouch either an RTX 2070 Super with an i7-10700. Am I missing something, or do I really need to upgrade to get any kind of decent performance out of the Q2?
12-25-2021 11:06 AM - edited 12-25-2021 11:07 AM
It sounds like something is interfering with your VR fun.
My PC is quite average compared with yours (my specs in my sig) and I have consistently good, smooth performance with both my Rift-S and Q2 with Fallout VR, PC2 and DCS (I haven't really played much of Skyrim yet).
It's the inconsistency that you describe that has alarm bells ringing. Maybe a driver issue if GPU or USB drivers have changed, or a software update of some sort. I always use the latest graphics drivers, Windows 10 updates and Oculus updates and none of those have caused a problem for me but if someone else has the same issue as you, you can compare drivers and software.
I'd recommend gathering your logs and submitting a ticket to support. They can look into what may be happening.
13700K, RTX 4070 Ti, Asus ROG Strix Z790-A Gaming, Corsair H150i Capellix, 64GB Corsair Vengence DDR5, Corsair 5000D Airflow, 4TB Samsung 870 , 2TB Samsung 990 Pro x 2, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, Quest, 2, 3, Pro, Windows 11 Pro 24H2 (10.0.26100)
12-25-2021 12:12 PM
I used to run my Q1 & Q2 on a GTX1060,little glitch/lag now and again but ran fine,payday2 over airlink.
Play all those racing games PC2/DR2/rF2/DR and more on my GTX1080,most settings ultra/high except the bad ones like shadows etc all run fine,some have native oculus support,PC2 included.
Got an RTX3060ti now and oculus software says your pc isn't up to standard.......hahahah pmsl
How have you set the graphics/refresh rate in the oculus software?
How much system ram have you got?
Are steam games on a HDD/SSD what about your OS?
Do you have the fibre optic oculus cable?
nvidia drivers?
I heard RTX cards had a problem with VR but not sure if thats still true?
Mine seems to be ok so far.
Win 10 or 11?Not everything has caught up with Win11 yet.
Oculus apps over link/airlink?
12-25-2021 02:39 PM - edited 12-25-2021 02:46 PM
How have you set the graphics/refresh rate in the oculus software? Tried various rates, but now back to 72Hz
How much system ram have you got? 16Gb
Are steam games on a HDD/SSD what about your OS? SSD
Do you have the fibre optic oculus cable? Yes
All drivers are up to date, and I'm on windows 11 via the link cable for the OQ2
12-25-2021 04:44 PM
Windows 11 isn't officially supported by Oculus yet. Plus Win 11 has known issues with bad game performance even outside of VR. In particular have a look at VBS (Virtualisation Based Security), new Win 11 systems enable it by default, it's been reported as causing from 5% to 28% performance drop. Maybe try turning off VBS (there's guides on the net).
Other things that have been known to cause problems are software like Razer Synapse and Corsair ICUE.
12-25-2021 06:08 PM
@kojack wrote:Windows 11 isn't officially supported by Oculus yet. Plus Win 11 has known issues with bad game performance even outside of VR. In particular have a look at VBS (Virtualisation Based Security), new Win 11 systems enable it by default, it's been reported as causing from 5% to 28% performance drop. Maybe try turning off VBS (there's guides on the net).
Other things that have been known to cause problems are software like Razer Synapse and Corsair ICUE.
VBS is off. I do have Razer Synapse and Corsair ICUE will try disabling them.
12-26-2021 03:02 AM
Even with everything disabled and running VtolVR which is very undemanding I still get judder and chop. Going back to windows 10 is not an option. So when will we have updates/patches for windows 11?
12-26-2021 04:13 AM
@VonAdder wrote:Even with everything disabled and running VtolVR which is very undemanding I still get judder and chop. Going back to windows 10 is not an option. So when will we have updates/patches for windows 11?
You better ask microsoft about that as its a win11 problem not 'everything else's' problem.
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