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Im 13 and i lied about my age when making my account and i can't verify

Honored Guest

So i need to give meta a payment method to confirm my age and keep my account but i set my age to 23 since i just put a random age since i just wanted to get into it and i need to verify my age and im planning to use my mums credit card but im worried i might get banned if its used since the account age is 23 and if i change it it might raise suspicions so what can i do?? 


Honored Guest


Hello @rory.148102 ,

For getting better help you should try to contact with support team because it's a community forum also you can try to contact with moderator of this community.


Hey. I've never had this issue before but from the post, I can tell you're probably panicked. I would of course ask your mum and then use the card. I doubt they would "ban" you and if it comes down to it. You can try to change your age to the appropriate number; if it works, it should be fine. I highly doubt Meta would ban you for lying about your age. I've never heard of that. Just verify or change it and you should be good. Or verify and keep it at 23. If all else fails make a new account as a last resort. Hope this helps!
Edit: I can tell I'm a little late so you might have already figured something out. Ignore me if you have!

@Neon_Rulez wrote:

I highly doubt Meta would ban you for lying about your age. I've never heard of that. Just verify or change it and you should be good. Or verify and keep it at 23.

It's not a really good advise to tell people using the wrong DOB is ok

Many accounts got banned because of using the wrong age.

Why you need to have the right Meta account for your age to use Meta Quest | Quest help 


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