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Images Effects doesn't work in

The image effects like (Bloom,Sun Shaft,Tonemapping etc..) doesn't work in

What i can see is just a black screen if i used one of this kind of image effects.

There is any kind of workaround for this?


Is this with respect to Unity integration?

Honored Guest
I had the same problem. Found out the deffered rendering was causing the problem, switch back to forward and the image effects should work fine. This is probably a bug or incompatibility.

Yes i'm sorry i always forget to specify.

I'm using Unity 5,deferred lightning and DX 11.

Grand Champion
Can you guys make sure you are on Unity 5.0.0p2 and also redownload the Oculus integration file to make sure you have the latest (I believe there was a bad upload up for around an hour or so)?
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

"cybereality" wrote:
Can you guys make sure you are on Unity 5.0.0p2 and also redownload the Oculus integration file to make sure you have the latest (I believe there was a bad upload up for around an hour or so)?

I've Unity 5.0.0p3 and i've downloaded the Oculus integration two days after it was available.

Also,i remembered to have the same issue on Unity 4 with 0.4.4.. the fun thing is that i managed to solve but i don't remember how..

On unity 4 i've some images effects on my cameras and in DX11+Deffered Rendering everything works fine.. i don't remember what the hell i've done to solve it!

Grand Champion
Glad you got it working. If it happens again, or you remember the steps, please let me know and I can look into it.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Grand Champion
The fix for the black screen is to set "EyeTextureAntiAliasing" to "1" on the "OVRManager".
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Thanks a lot Cyber!!

It's worked!
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