01-19-2021 12:06 PM
01-21-2021 04:57 PM
01-22-2021 11:57 PM
01-23-2021 06:37 PM
01-23-2021 11:48 PM
aguy10 said:
A chat agent said this.
"Reboot the headsetRecenter the view by holding the home button down on the Right Touch controller.Re-run Guardian setupTry different locationIf the above steps do not work; try a Factory reset"
01-24-2021 01:46 AM
03-25-2022 06:44 PM
Having a similar issue. Just ran the latest update the other day and that’s when I noticed the slight tilt down to the left. It also kind of looks like the right side is a little closer to me than the left side—almost like it’s canted down and back to the left versus just down.
03-25-2022 06:48 PM
Hey there! We know how confusing it can be when these issues occur and we want to be able to help. We would like to recommend that you try to reboot the headset, re center the view by holding the home button down on the Right Touch controller, and reset the Guardian setup. If this does not help, please feel free to submit a support ticket with our support team so we can look into this for you. You can visit our support site using the following link. https://metaque.st/Support
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