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Images tilted/angled

Honored Guest
Hey friends, i have a problem: images in my headset OQ2 tilted. Hard reset and sideload did'nt help. it feels like the windows are tilted in games and applications, but the floor is flat. I think the problem is in the gyroscope. Who faced this?3zijt1hjndc7.jpgd62xnnz8hri3.png

Honored Guest
I have this problem     my image is tilted in my quest2

Honored Guest

Heroic Explorer
A chat agent said this.

"Reboot the headset
Recenter the view by holding the home button down on the Right Touch controller.
Re-run Guardian setup
Try different location
If the above steps do not work; try a Factory reset"

Honored Guest

aguy10 said:

A chat agent said this.

"Reboot the headset
Recenter the view by holding the home button down on the Right Touch controller.
Re-run Guardian setup
Try different location
If the above steps do not work; try a Factory reset"

all this has already been done. also made a support ticket, I'm waiting for an answer on the fifth day

I had a similar problem with my Q2 after an Oculus update.  The solution for me was to go into settings and delete all guardian history, remove my controller batteries and replaced with fresh batteries, restart, re-did guardian setup, and then all was well.  Never needed to do a factory reset.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

Honored Guest

Having a similar issue. Just ran the latest update the other day and that’s when I noticed the slight tilt down to the left. It also kind of looks like the right side is a little closer to me than the left side—almost like it’s canted down and back to the left versus just down.

Hey there! We know how confusing it can be when these issues occur and we want to be able to help. We would like to recommend that you try to reboot the headset, re center the view by holding the home button down on the Right Touch controller, and reset the Guardian setup. If this does not help, please feel free to submit a support ticket with our support team so we can look into this for you. You can visit our support site using the following link.

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