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Impersonating Meta account by Hackers




Earlier today my IG account was hacked and the hackers decided to create a Meta account and link it to my IG. 

I was able to recover my password and set a 2-Factor Authentication on Instragram, so that is resolved. However, I cannot link my real Meta account in the account center because the fake Meta account is linked to it, and I cannot unlink it. 

The hackers set up a new phone  and new email for the Meta account, and they added 2-factor Authentification. Thus, I cannot remove the account from my Instagram account. And I cannot link my real account to my Instagram account. 

How can I report/make Meta eliminate the fake Meta account so I can link my real Meta account to the IG account? Unlinking it from IG will not work because the fake Meta account is currently linked and has 2-factor authentication that I cannot bypass. I have followed all the advice from Instagram Help and regained control of my Instagram account. Thus, I believe this is an issue for the Meta support team. 




Honored Guest


I am experiencing the exact same issues!! I have followed all advice from the Instagram Help Centre and regained control of my account for now also but need to unlink the hackers meta account so they cannot regain access.

Please Meta Support, can you help with this issue? I have seen multiple people having the exact same problems and it is very concerning about the security of users accounts and the support that Meta/Instagram provide against hackers!!



Thank you for getting in touch with us about this matter. We truly understand how frustrating this situation can be for those affected. Please do reach out to us directly via direct message (DM) so that we can investigate the issue more thoroughly and work towards a resolution for you.

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