12-08-2024 12:27 AM
There has been an account created with my full name, my real picture, and where I work.
I've already had people contact my workplace and sign up newsletters and rehabs to my work and personal email. I've reported the profile (already have started legal proceedings on the other matters), and was told it was not in violation. I click Appeal and it says Error.
12-08-2024 12:30 AM
Hello there, thank you for getting in touch.
We can see that you are having some issues with a Meta account possibly impersonating you. Could we please get some details on this account, so that we can look into this further? The details we need are the following.
Name as it appears on the Account or Meta account tabs:
Meta email:
Meta alias/username:
12:35 AM
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12:07 PM
12-08-2024 12:39 AM
Hello there, thank you for your reply.
We can see that there is a Meta account with those details. We are now going to put you through to our accounts team, they will be better equipped to help with your current issue. Could you please provide us with your preferred contact email address?
12:40 AM
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12:07 PM
12-08-2024 12:41 AM
Hello there, thank you for that information.
As previously mentioned, we are going to pass your case onto our accounts team, they will be able to assist you further. Please keep an eye on your email inbox and spam folders as they should be in contact with you soon.
Did this answer your question? If it didn’t, use our search to find other topics or create your own and other members of the community will help out.
If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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