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Improving Judder - bad usb ports?

I'm having some problems with random judder. After running flawlessly for an hour or so, suddenly everything is juddering like crazy as I move my head. A full restart usually helps, sometimes even moving the tracking sensor to another usb port fixes it. Lowering game graphics settings doesn't seem to help though, sometimes the juddering persists when exiting to Oculus Home, sometimes it doesn't.. This leads me to suspect my USB ports are to blame. I'm running an underpowered system, an i5 cpu and a Radeon R280, but I usually don't have any issues unless I try to run AAA titles like Valkyrie at hi-quality settings. Even Subnautica usually works fine on medium settings without any juddering. My mobo is a Z87-A, greenlit by the compatibility checker and reported to be working, but the Oculus app keeps telling me to update my USB3 drivers. (Which I did, but it still complains). What would be the best solution here, upgrade my graphics card or try to upgrade my USB ports (powered USB hub, add a PCI-E controller)??? I plan to upgrade my gfx card anyway eventually, but will it fix the random juddering? Any help would be most welcome. 🙂
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