11-30-2024 07:12 AM - edited 11-30-2024 07:16 AM
My Facebook account was suspended a week ago because of my Instagram randomly getting suspended. After a few days my appeal was approved on Instagram and I got my account back. But when I checked on my Facebook it was still suspended and says 'Your Facebook account has been suspended because your Instagram account (my username) doesn't follow our rules
Log in to your Instagram account to appeal our decision'
Once i click 'Log in to Instagram' it just take me to my Instagram home screen with no appeal thingy. I am so desperate on recovering my Facebook account right now because I have a lot of important stuff in that account. Please somebody if you know how to help please help me it would be such a huge help. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
01-13-2025 03:47 PM
same challenge which I'm facing, did you get any solution to assist me, because even my page was suspended, last time I boosted one of my posts and I was able to speak to live chat, however this time around my page on another account is being suspended
2 weeks ago
Hi, all..
So did Meta recovered your Facebook account?
It happened to me 2 days ago, I got reply from Instagram
"Thanks for taking the time to request a review. We reviewed your account and found that the activity on it does follow our Community Standards on fraud and deception, so you can use Instagram again.
We're sorry we got this wrong and that you weren't able to use Instagram, for a while. Sometimes we need to take action to help keep our community safe."
But still is my Facebook account and Threads are suspended.
Reported the problem so many times but still no answer or recovery.
2 weeks ago
thought I am the Only one who has this prob, any Ideas how to contact the customerLess Meta company the disgusting service BS?!!!!! any fix ? I can't login into my other games and stuff, that's the problem for me, if I knew this I never used face**bleep**
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