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Install 'Dawn.Setup.InstallDriversStep' failed


I've been trying to get drivers for virtual desktop to work so I can play boneworks with my quest 2, but for those drivers, I need to download and install the setup (successfully). but no that never happened, here's my story.


12/25/2021 - Christmas day aka the problem

( i got my brand new quest, excited and ready to go I wanted to play steamvr games I bought for myself.

after researching how to get it to work I went ahead and downloaded it and tried to install it, to no avail.

"restart the computer and try again"

"oh okay, will do". I try it again and boom, the same thing.

I was pretty frustrated so I started looking up some tips and tricks on how to solve this.

i opened a ticket with oculus support and they didnt have much to tell me so i went ahead and did it myself.



 1    creating a new LOCAL USER ACCOUNT (admin) ON WINDOWS 10


 3  TURNING OFF ANTIVIRUS AND FIREWALL (don't forget to re-enable)

 4  disconnecting ALL PERIPHERALS NOT REQUIRED (mousepads, extra monitors, etc)

 5  restart the computer and try again


it worked. thank Jesus it f##### worked, wow.


1/20/2022 - nostalgic problem returns

my pc was bogged to all h### and I decided to reset my pc, wonderful it's fast now.

but I wanted to play some boneworks, so I went ahead and tried to pla- oh, oh no, not again.

oh, well, I can try the old method you know? so I did, except.... it didn't work.

every day I tried to do this and get it to work and I'm day 8 still kicking. this is my last shot, before I wait for the final update to be pushed that fixes this, I read EVERY Forum post on this forum and it did not work.

let me give some examples.

-my old method above -updating to latest windows -uninstalling and reinstalling c++ drivers -disabling secure boot -running with admin privileges -running the app in compatibility mode for windows 8 -download the latest install from the website again. -run the installer in a virtual machine (yes i was desperate) -turned off the "core isolation" antivirus feature -running the program from admin PowerShell AND running it to a different drive.

I am willing to do anything because I really do love VR and this piece of s### installer is gonna give me a brain hemorrhage 


good luck to anyone that has this issue.

ive followed through with the orders from




@lgklope  lgklope 's solution (in the replies) (First Solution)




Accepted Solutions



run the installer untill the very end of the "installing part"

check Logs untill you see "Rolling back instalation"
open TASK MANAGER and terminate oculussetup.exe in "details"

hopefully it didnt delete too much and it will work just like in my case.

i didnt expect this to work but i can play boneworks just fine now 🙂

thank you for giving my long post a read!

View solution in original post


Community Manager
Community Manager

Well, you've certainly been working on this for some time! We appreciate how much you've done to get this sorted, you've really tried a lot of steps. Before moving forward, we definitely recommend giving this step a shot to make sure that all files are cleared before you do those steps that worked for you in the first place:


  1. Disconnect your computer from the internet.
  2. Backup any necessary content.
  3. Reboot into Safe Mode.
  4. Uninstall Oculus Home using the Control Panel.
  5. Delete all Oculus folders from the following folder:
    • C:\Program Files
  6. Remove any Oculus folders from the following locations:
    • C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData
    • C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\Local
    • C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\LocalLow
    • C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\Roaming
    • C:\OculusSetup-DownloadCache
  7. Restart your computer in normal mode.
  8. Reconnect your computer to the internet.
  9. Install Oculus Home again using the setup tool from our website here.


Now, if you're still running into issues, another member may be able to jump in with some suggestions, but it can also be really helpful for our support team to review your logs. Have you been able to submit a ticket yet?

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!



run the installer untill the very end of the "installing part"

check Logs untill you see "Rolling back instalation"
open TASK MANAGER and terminate oculussetup.exe in "details"

hopefully it didnt delete too much and it will work just like in my case.

i didnt expect this to work but i can play boneworks just fine now 🙂

thank you for giving my long post a read!



It has been 3 months since this method and i say that the issue is still very prominent, however my solution still holds strong!

to whom this may apply. i hope it works for you how it works for me, as i have factory reset my pc and my method worked first try.

Honored Guest

Well for me I see its been 2 years and still a unfixed issue...I don't know why I even bought this unusable brick.  Meta is no help their support says 3 to 5 days before they can even look at my logs.


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