01-05-2025 07:14 AM
I recently purchased an Intel Arc B580 graphics card, and tomorrow I will be buying a Meta Quest 3S. From what I’ve seen online, the Arc B580 supposedly doesn’t work with SteamVR and gives a "Video Encoder Error".
However, I just installed VRidge on both my phone and PC, and when testing VR through my phone, SteamVR launched successfully using VRidge.
My Questions
When I get the Meta Quest 3S, will I have any issues connecting to SteamVR?
Will VR games be optimized and run smoothly on this setup?
If anyone has experience with Intel Arc GPUs and VR, I’d love to hear your insights. Thanks!
01-05-2025 03:03 PM
No Intel GPU is recommended for VR. The driver and API support simply isn't there yet. There are videos on Youtube of people who have tried Arc cards with varying levels of success, including perfect play but also many reported caveats. Intel don't seem to be interested in VR so compatibility may be a long time coming, if it ever does.
a month ago
If you buy virtual desktop it will work with arc GPU. It works with my pico 4 and a770 with virtual desktop. So it will work here. I just don't feel I should pay $25 for another copy of virtual desktop. I will just use my psvr2 or my pico.
3 weeks ago
As others have mentioned, Virtual Desktop works with Intel Arc GPUs. Virtual Desktop is generally recommended by experienced Quest PCVR users, not just for Arc GPUs, but for the most optimal compatibility with steam VR PCVR on Quest 2, Pro, and 3/3S. Anecdotally, I have on numerous occasions had friends and acquaintances who experienced issues with other methods of connecting their Quest headsets to their PCs had those problems solved immediately simply by switching to Virtual Desktop. It just works.
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