06-01-2020 02:28 AM
06-01-2020 04:35 AM
06-01-2020 07:39 AM
Titus_VR said:
The Support and help? 😄
06-01-2020 08:58 AM
06-01-2020 09:34 AM
RedRizla said:
I wonder why they can't work from home using laptops. That's what most people are doing in the UK when it comes to answering emails
06-01-2020 10:05 AM
06-01-2020 10:39 AM
Systems_Architect said:
Keep in mind with Zendesk tickets, if you create new responses it will update the ticket and will make it seem like its a new ticket. I'd wait 5-7 business days for a response from the support team without sending any new responses.
Creating new tickets via chat or email asking for updates can cause this issue as well. It's best to wait patiently.
Also with Covid-19, many support teams are experincing shortages of staff and high volumes of tickets. Usually, Oculus Support is generally quick with responses this time of year like they send out responses with two business days.
Hope the information helps.
06-01-2020 10:44 AM
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