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Is there anyone actually answering tickets at the moment?

Expert Protege
Been over two weeks since I sent my ticket and no answer, sent follow ups and still noano  
I sent my headset to be repaired and haven't heard anything back for ages. 
Live chat never seems to be active anymore either as far as I can see. 
I know things are slower for obvious reasons, but seems to be taking the Mickey a little. 

The Support and help? 😄

Expert Protege

Titus_VR said:

The Support and help? 😄

Well that's just marvellous... 

Honored Visionary
I wonder why they can't work from home using laptops. That's what most people are doing in the UK when it comes to answering emails

Expert Protege

RedRizla said:

I wonder why they can't work from home using laptops. That's what most people are doing in the UK when it comes to answering emails

Agreed. Funny how they were answering my support tickets just fine until I sent the headset, now they ignore me the second it was sent. 
Will probably repair it so they can sell it on and ignore me until they get more stock In. (they told me they only replace faulty headsets with new ones) 

Keep in mind with Zendesk tickets, if you create new responses it will update the ticket and will make it seem like its a new ticket. I'd wait 5-7 business days for a response from the support team without sending any new responses.

Creating new tickets via chat or email asking for updates can cause this issue as well. It's best to wait patiently.

Also with Covid-19, many support teams are experincing shortages of staff and high volumes of tickets. Usually, Oculus Support is generally quick with responses this time of year like they send out responses with two business days.

Hope the information helps.

Expert Protege

Keep in mind with Zendesk tickets, if you create new responses it will update the ticket and will make it seem like its a new ticket. I'd wait 5-7 business days for a response from the support team without sending any new responses.

Creating new tickets via chat or email asking for updates can cause this issue as well. It's best to wait patiently.

Also with Covid-19, many support teams are experincing shortages of staff and high volumes of tickets. Usually, Oculus Support is generally quick with responses this time of year like they send out responses with two business days.

Hope the information helps.

It was 10 days between the first ticket not being answered and me writing a follow up. Also tried reaching out on twitter and live chat. 
As I said normally I would be patient, just the fact I was told I would hear from them when they got my broken headset and they never emailed (and tracking says it arrived like two weeks ago now) 

I see. If that is the case, I believe it can be either caused by inventory shortages or the package went missing in their warehouse, if its the latter; they'll need to set up an investigation which can take a bit of time. If it's a shortage, they'll pretty much ship out a replacement as soon as its available. 
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