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Issue when downloading Oculus Software

Not applicable

I have restarted my computer three times to no avail.

Unsure what could cause this, I'm assuming corrupted files but at this point I'm not sure.

Help would be appreciated! Thank you.

Honored Guest
me too. I have talked with support for days and  they can not help.

Could you please upload your setup logs so that I can have a quick gander?

Open a File Explorer window and paste this in the URL field:
Then look for "OculusSetup.log" and upload it to your post. Please do *not* just copy/paste the text into the post area, as this becomes difficult to read. This folder may be hidden. Make sure you go into the Folder Options and choose Show Hidden Files and Folders first.
Core i7-7700k @ 4.9 Ghz | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 3000Mhz | 2x 1TB Samsung Evo | 2x 4GB WD Black
ASUS MAXIMUS IX HERO | MSI AERO GTX 1080 OC @ 2000Mhz | Corsair Carbide Series 400C White (RGB FTW!) 

Be kind to one another 🙂

Honored Guest
Still waiting for a fix…...Downloader crash everytime ( 4.39GB of 4.40, 4.38, 4.31 ) and stop, and resume the download would lead to a "restart the computer". Already got in touch and log send, but no response.
Win 10 Home / I7 6700K / Evga Gtx 1080Ti Black edition / MSI Z270 M3 Gaming / HyperX 2*8GB 2133 mhz / Seasonic X-750W
WD Black HDD 1To / Hyperx SSD 240Gb / Samsung Evo 840 120GB / 860 500GB
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