3 weeks ago
Hello I am having quite a problem. So I have an Oculus Meta Quest 2 , which was given to me as a gift from my mom a few years ago. I haven’t used it for awhile but the other day I tried to login to play games but couldn’t login. All the games I have on there are linked to my moms email account, not mine. The problem is that the email associated from her is an email she deleted a couple years ago. So when we try to login or try changing the email to a different one of hers , the confirmation email doesn’t send through since that email doesn’t exist anymore. If I use the account I created through my email there is ofcourse no games or anything on the headset. I would like to have Meta verify her identify and get my mom to login a different way possibly or even have Meta allow the process of transferring the games from her old account into my new account under my email so that I can use the VR again. If anyone can help it would be very appreciated.
3 weeks ago
Hi @majorska4 🙂
You said the email was deleted a few years ago.... but it was already a Meta account by that point, right?
I'm asking, because oculus accounts which wasn't migrated to a Meta account by end of March, 2024 were deleted.
In any case, with account issues you need to reach out to support.
They may able to help with your mom's account..... or with game transfer - not sure, if this is possible.
You can open a support ticket, tab on "my issue is not listed here" and you'll get the option for chat, Whatsapp, or email.
Or you can send a PM @MetaQuestSupport
click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.
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If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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