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Issue with graphic card compatibility with Oculus software


I have a brand new high end Dell XPS laptop with a RTX 4070 graphics card. The Oculus software however gives a message that my graphics card is not compatible with the Rift S software.


How do I fix this. I know my graphics card is more than capable. I have installed all the new drivers but still no luck. 

I do see that my laptop has 2 GPU's. Could this be the problem?

1. Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics

2. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 laptop GPU


Expert Consultant

It could be. Try disabling the onboard GPU. The PC software is famously flaky about identifying compatibility though - have you tried actually using it, to see if it's mistaken?


No I can't use the software because I'm stuck in one of the setup screens after connecting the meta quest 3. So I can't use the software.

Even when I ununstall the software and re-install it, it gets right back to the screen where I'm stuck. See the picture, it's in dutch but you'll have to trust me it says that my graphics card is not compatible. Can't do anything form here. This really sucks because it's a brand new high end laptop.



Expert Consultant

Have you tried disabling the onboard GPU? Completely if possible.

Hey there, @Mr.Abarth! We see you're receiving an error stating your graphics card is not compatible. We understand the sheer joy of diving into the immersive world of PCVR, and we're here to lend a helping hand! We recommend manually assigning your the software to your dedicated graphics card. You can use Windows to manually assign which GPU is used by a specific process. This should have little to no side effects. To do so:

  1. Close the Oculus Desktop software
  2. Open Windows Settings > System > Display > Graphics Settings
  3. Select Classic App from the drop down and click Browse
  4. Select the OculusClient.exe
    (By default, this will be installed C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-client\OculusClient.exe)
  5. Click Options > High Performance > Save
    Ensure the "High Performance" option has your dedicated graphics at the top of this menu.
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Hey again, @Mr.Abarth! Just checking back in to see if changing the performance setting of the client or if disabling the iGPU ended up getting rid of that error. If not, let us know, and we'd be happy to continue helping!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Unfortunately no luck. I added one extra step. I restarted my laptop after adjusting tot the high performance graphics option for the oculus app. After restart I checked if the setting still was in high performance (it was). But still stuck at the same screen with the "graphics card is not campatible" message.

I think I might get stuck on that screen because of a cache issue. I mean when I uninstall the software and reinstall it, it just jumps right to the screen with the compatibility error (but thats like step 3 or 4). It skips the first few steps of setting up. 


Is there a way to clear that cache? So I can try if it gives the error again when I start from the first step.

Hi @Mr.Abarth, and thanks for the swift reply! We have some steps we'd like you to try to fully uninstall and reinstall that software. This method should ensure all relevant data has been removed from your laptop, and make sure those graphic card changes take effect! Please try out the following in order, and let us know if anything changes:


  1. Disconnect the Link cable/Air Link from the computer
  2. Disconnect your computer from the internet
  3. Backup any necessary content
    • You can find steps on how to do so by clicking here.
  • Reboot into Safe Mode
    • You can find steps on how to do so by clicking here.
  • Uninstall the Oculus PC app using the Control Panel
    • You can find steps on how to do so by clicking here.
  • Delete all Oculus folders from the following folder:
    • C:\Program Files
  • Remove any Oculus folders from the following locations:
    • C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData
    • C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\Local
    • C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\LocalLow
    • C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\Roaming
    • C:\OculusSetup-DownloadCache
    • Note: The AppData folder is usually hidden. Use these steps to access AppData.
      • Press Windows key + R to launch the Run dialog window.
      • Type %AppData% in the Run box and click OK or press Enter
      • File Explorer will launch to the AppData\Roaming subfolder.
      • Click AppData in the File Explorer address bar to show all three subfolders in the AppData location.
  • Restart your computer in normal mode
  • Reconnect your computer to the internet
  • Install the Oculus PC app again using the setup tool from our website here
  • Reconnect the Link cable/Air Link and re-test the headset
If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey, hey @Mr.Abarth! We're checking in to make sure you were able to get that graphics card error sorted out, or if you've run into any further problems with that at all. We certainly don't want you to have to deal with that for long, and would like to make sure everything went smoothly for you along the way! Please don't hesitate to reach back out if it's still giving you trouble, as we'd love to help!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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