05-30-2024 03:22 PM
I need help with a issue so I factory reset my headset to sell it to someone cause I have no use into it and it’s telling them to do this on the headset or contact the third party seller cause it’s saying it still connected to me after I factory reset can I get help here please
05-30-2024 04:25 PM
Hey @QGHM, I noticed that you need help with a previous headset not being able to add the new user's Meta account. I wanna see if you are able to go to the My Devices page on the Meta website and try to remove it from there. You can click that bolded hyperlink to go there and login. You can also inform the person to do a Factory Reset themselves to see if that does the trick.
If the issue is still lingering, feel free to PM @MetaQuestSupport to deep dive into this issue a bit more. 🙂
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