01-14-2025 07:05 AM
I recently subscribed to Meta Quest+ because it was advertised that the game Shattered was included in the subscription (screenshot attached). However, after subscribing, I noticed that the game is not listed in the Meta Quest+ catalog, and the only option on the game’s page is to purchase it.
Is this an issue on my end? Am I missing something, or is this a case of false advertising?”
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-14-2025 07:57 AM
Maybe your Horizon app needs to be updated?
Talk to support, if you can't get the game with your subscription.
Send a PM @MetaQuestSupport
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01-14-2025 07:52 AM
Hi @Akessandre
I'm not sure, what's wrong.
I don't have the subscription,but if I look at the catalogue it's listed.....
01-14-2025 07:57 AM
Maybe your Horizon app needs to be updated?
Talk to support, if you can't get the game with your subscription.
Send a PM @MetaQuestSupport
click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.
01-14-2025 09:53 AM
Thank you for your suggestion! I appreciate the tip about updating the Horizon app. Everything on my end is up to date.
I’ve checked, and the game Shattered is indeed listed in the Meta Quest+ catalog both on the website and in the store. However, after subscribing, I can still see it listed in the catalog on the website, but it doesn’t appear in the section where I can redeem the games included with the subscription.
I’ll reach out to support as you recommended. Thanks again for your help!
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