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Issues with Game Purchases and Sharing on Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest 2 for Family Use

Honored Guest

Hello everyone, this Christmas, I purchased a Meta Quest3 (for myself) and two Meta Quest3 S devices (for my children aged 13 and 10). On all three Meta Quest headsets, I am the primary account holder, and my children each have a secondary account on their respective headsets (one account per child, for a total of three accounts). I know that I can share my library with one headset, and supposedly, I can’t share it with the third Meta Quest3 S.

However, I want to purchase a game from the secondary account, but it doesn’t allow me to do so. In the Family Center settings, it says the account is authorized, but when trying to make a purchase, it doesn’t let me proceed. I also can’t gift the game to them.

How could I resolve this issue? We want to play some games together, but we can’t. Thank you very much!

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