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Issues with updates and shutdown

Honored Guest

I am having issues with updates at shutdown.  My fairly new Meta quest 3 does not update.  I have tried to keep it on my head for a few minutes to see if that helps, but no luck.  I check back after a few hours and still no update. This has happened for the last few times using the headset.

My controllers work fine, the WIFI is good and after rebooting I am able to play all of my games.  One thing that happens is if I let the headset attempt to update and I come back in a few hours disappointed that an update has not occurred, if I cancel the update and shutdown the unit automatically shuts down the WIFI as well.  I have to completely shut it off with no update to get my WIFI back (yes, I tried everything else to reset my WIFI on the headset and checked my WIFI.)

The only thing I have not tried is to do a factory reset.  If I do that, will I lose all my games and bookmarks, having to start over?



@jeffishere.311  You will not lose your games if you enable cloud backup in the app some game saves can also be stored, depending on the game. Before you try a factory reset you could try the meta update tool to see if that helps with the update.

Meta Quest Software Update | Meta Store

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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