07-24-2017 03:41 AM
07-24-2017 05:54 AM
07-24-2017 08:39 AM
Morgrum said:
Make a support ticket about this its lokely you can get a replacement hmd
07-25-2017 04:21 AM
nalex66 said:
Morgrum said:
Make a support ticket about this its lokely you can get a replacement hmd
The OP has already returned it to the shop for a refund and ordered a new one, so now it's the store's problem to get the money back from Oculus.
07-25-2017 04:27 AM
07-25-2017 04:51 AM
I've never seen or heard of one broken like that. The most common damage complaint for the Rift seems to be loss of audio on the right side due to a damaged ribbon cable inside the extendable side strap.
07-25-2017 05:09 AM
squidbreakfast said:
Oh ok! nalex66 said:
I've never seen or heard of one broken like that. The most common damage complaint for the Rift seems to be loss of audio on the right side due to a damaged ribbon cable inside the extendable side strap.
My audio sometimes drops out mid game but then I just open the audio devices window on my PC, test or properties and then it works again... Really weird but I can live with it.
I'm trying my utmost best to be super careful with it since it is my baby and I love it so much :hushed:
07-25-2017 05:24 AM
10-25-2018 02:51 AM
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