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Joystick not centered in VR

Honored Guest

I recently bought stick replacements for my quest 2 controllers because the drift was terrible. I installed the right stick and it works perfectly, but the left stick (while centered in real life) is saying that its slightly to the left and up. I have tried editing the controller zoning, and I've looked for a way to virtually adjust the stick location, but I cannot find any information on it.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @Magnificent_Goop,


Thanks for reaching out regarding your controller problem! It's always annoying when the controllers don't function how they are designed, but don't worry! We'll give you all the assistance possible at this end. I would like you to try and reset your controller and then also recalibrate them to attempt to resolve this. This can be done by following the below steps:


Reset your controller


  • Remove the batteries from your controller for 30 seconds. Put the batteries back in and power your controller on.

Recalibrate your controller


  1. From your headset, select settings
  2. Select controller settings
  3. Under joystick dead zone and range, select the joystick that you're having issue with
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to recalibrate the joystick dead zones

Please attempt both of these steps to fix the issue with your controller. Should the issue continue after this, please reach out to us again for further support!


Have a great day.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @Magnificent_Goop,


Just checking to see if you still need support?

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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