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Judder When Playing Embedded Video

I've noticed this mostly in JanusVR, but I think it happens in other applications as well. Media applications (LiveViewRift, Whirligig) play video just fine. But when a video is embedded in another application like JanusVR, when the video plays I get judder when moving my head. Stop the video, judder stops.

I have all the necessary codecs. The videos play fine.
I maintain 75 FPS even with the video playing.
AMD's video playback options are all on default/turned off. Nothing I can see is interfering.
Adobe Flash Player is up to date (both standard and Chrome)

It's been doing this ever since I got the DK2. No one on the JanusVR team seems to be able to know what the issue is. I don't know if it's a symptom of some of my other issues (all Unity demos crash in direct mode and freeze in extended unless I make Rift primary). Does anyone else have this problem or have suggestions on how to fix it? Does anyone have another application I could try to see if it's JanusVR or something with my video settings. Thanks!
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