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Kind of small fog or cloud in the middle of the lenses, can't be cleaned..

Good morning, I read in the forums other ppl having the same problem and came looking for an advice:

In the middle of both the lenses there is a small fog or cloud wich increases godrays and blurry that zone a little. It's more visible when you try to read small text or any other text with black brackground behin it. I have tried to clean lenses but the fog is still there, sometimes is more noticeable than others.

It Looks like this kind of fog is inside or in the internal side of the lens.Any advice or solution?

Sorry for my english.


Rising Star
If it is fog on the inside of the lens it will clear after 5-10 mins of the rift being on as it warms up, depending on environment factors like humidity and temp you are using it in will depend on how much you get it. 

The room is hot because It is summer here in Spain plus the hot inside the mask. I let five minutes oculus home for cv1 warming up before normal use.

They appatently have the same size and they stay in the same position. After one hour of use in dcs they are still there.

I read in the forums other ppl with the same problem maybe caused by lens not temp?

Ok, last night I put some silica gel next to cv1 in a box. now look like this situation is getting better.


my replacement rift has the same issue....

Silica gel, putting oculus in his correct position and let the lens get hot for 5 minutes before use has helped a little.

I think i saw your post so I wrote other ppl.

I've noticed this in mine as well 😕

Rising Star
Yeah I have same problem,  have to try that silica gel trick !
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