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Known Issue - Black bar when accessing store (Link/Air Link)


When I’m using the AirLink and I’m on my VR desktop, I will click on the store and the store doesn't appear.  Instead a black bar pops up in my view about the same shape and size as the Oculus frame and wherever I look, it moves with me.  When I want it go to away, I have to unlink and relink my connection.  But, it reappears each time I want to visit the store on the VR desktop.


Has anyone else run into this issue and know of a solution?


Black bar in view of store screenBlack bar in view of store screen


I have the same problem with RIFT. I am using Windows 11 and had no issues until one week ago.
So the problem is not with Windows 11 but with Oculus Software.

No solutions in Reddit too. Many people are reporting this issue.

On my Windows 10 system when the Oculus Desktop App updated to v39 the problem went away. I cannot speak for Windows 11.

I just noticed yesterday that the problem went away on mine, as well.

Have version 39 of Oculus software for PC and last Nvidia drivers. Problem persists. 😞

Same here 8 think my problem happened after V39, they said last to me V40 out soon so may sort the issue.

It may? So do they know what has caused the issue?? Seems strange

For me the problem started in v38. The update to v39 cleared the problem.


But guess what? It started again and I'm still in v39.

Yes it went away upgrading from 38 to 39. But it just started again and I'm still in v39. Not participating in the PTC.

Guess what? The v39 update seemed to fix the problem but it just came back. Version on everything still say v39 and no history of any interim updates to v39.


I am not participating in the PTC.

Honored Guest

i'm having the same problem and i have v39 and it's not going away

Hey there, Blosont!  That bar blocking your screen is no good at all! Let's see what we can do to get that taken care of.


Have you tried rebooting your headset? All you have to do is hold the power button down until your headset restarts. That is usually enough to clear most hiccups, but we can take a closer look at that with you if necessary.


If that reboot doesn't get you out of the weeds, send us a chat or email by following this link. Please include your logs with that, so we can find out what may be causing that persistent bar. You'll be able to gather your logs by doing the following:


1. Open the run window (Windows key + R)
2. Enter and run: C:\program files\oculus\support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusLogGatherer.exe
3. Wait for the executable file to pop up
4. Select logs for the last 24 hours
5. Wait for the log collection to finish. It should pop up a Windows Explorer window at the location of your newly collected logs.
6. It automatically generates a zip file and copies the zip to the clipboard so you can paste it to your desktop
7. Attach this zip file to your next support response


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