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Known Issue Controller Tracking v.72

Meta Employee
We have identified the root cause of the issue. The fix will be included in the next software update in v.72 PTC. Look for build or higher. 


Can you please tell us how broken updates like this this pass QA testing? Do you actually have a testing team that checks these updates being being pushed out to users?


This @offbeatkid  is just after your data.  Do not give him your info unless he pays for it.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

This is soo on point -  these controllers cost nearly the same as a Q3 headset, and the customer service from Meta is beyond terrible..

I will repeat what I have said on these forums - customers need to make some noise, like put this on social media, product review sites (such as trustpilot etc). maybe even to the extent of a Class action lawsuit.


My headset shows v72 build 5047332.12760.510 installed Dec 20 (yesterday) - =no idea if this includes the update referred to also, the issue is still there and actually lot worse

Yeah, I literally found this thread to see if anyone else has noticed that Pro controller tracking has (once again) became terrible after the 'v72 incremental' update from a few days ago. So, yeah, if anyone at Meta is listening, MAYBE FIX THE ISSUE PROPERLY.

Also, if anyone recommends I contact support, I won't be responsible for my actions. I prefer to use my time in *constructive* ways.

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