09-02-2022 11:44 AM - last edited on 09-26-2022 08:34 AM by Ryanality
I just recently sent my quest 2 and controllers back to be replaced but the refurbished quest 2 controllers that was sent to me won't connect to the refurbished quest 2 headset that was sent to me so my headset is stuck in the paring initial setup screen. I tried linking my headset to my app to set up controllers that way but no matter how many times I tried to pair it putting the pair code in it won't pair up. I have factory reset several times. I have reinstalled the app already a few times. Yes my location and bluetooth is on. I have already been through setting this up with my old quest 2 that I sent back with no problems. I don't understand how I was sent a refurbished quest 2 and controllers that can not even set up. Please help me fix this or let me get a replacement that works.
Solved! Go to Solution.
10-01-2022 05:18 PM
So sorry. I know there is a firmware fix. And it works for everyone who tries it.
10-01-2022 05:27 PM
actually... it didn't give me the next steps. sorry i got excited when I saw the headset connected. The controller's still won't pair
10-01-2022 05:36 PM
Sorry. Just asking...you took the batteries out of the controllers before you began the process? (Just so you know, I am furious at Meta. I contacted them 5 times. They confirmed this is an issue. I sent them a working headset. Only problems was that it didn't charge to 100%.)
10-01-2022 05:39 PM
10-01-2022 05:41 PM
Okay. So moving on...have you seen the instructions for installing the firmware? There are instructions for a MAC and also a PC. If you haven't tried it, let me know. I will try to find them for you on this site.
10-01-2022 05:42 PM
i havent seen them before
10-01-2022 05:43 PM
Do you have a PC or a Mac? (And did you do a factory reset before you tried the process I suggested?)
10-01-2022 05:44 PM
let me factory reset it also im pc
10-01-2022 05:45 PM
I assume you know how to do that: Hold power button and volume down. IN the meantime, I will find the instructions for firmware download for PC.
10-01-2022 05:47 PM
yea ik how to factory reset it
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