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Known Issue - Refurbished Quest replacement unable to connect controllers


I just recently sent my quest 2 and controllers back to be replaced but the refurbished quest 2 controllers that was sent to me won't connect to the refurbished quest 2 headset that was sent to me so my headset is stuck in the paring initial setup screen. I tried linking my headset to my app to set up controllers that way but no matter how many times I tried to pair it putting the pair code in it won't pair up. I have factory reset several times. I have reinstalled the app already a few times. Yes my location and bluetooth is on. I have already been through setting this up with my old quest 2 that I sent back with no problems. I don't understand how I was sent a refurbished quest 2 and controllers that can not even set up. Please help me fix this or let me get a replacement that works.

160 REPLIES 160

If you were able to “finish setup” in the phone app, after doing the steps I posted in this thread, then you pair IN THE PHONE APP, not the headset. 


when i clicked the finish setup in the app it said it needed a software update


THIS is the MAN: xShadeaux

So, Phat_Panda, if this simple thing doesn't work, xShadeaux has the steps that will. I leave you in his hands, and wish you luck and success.


You need to do the steps I posted earlier, which loads the updated firmware on your headset, which then lets you finish setup in the phone app. 

I found then and tried to copy them earlier but the system wouldn't let me do it. How does he/she access them?


Reposting as it was on page 3 of this thread:


So, if you have a PC, here are the steps:


  • Download the latest firmware file from: (perhaps you could make this available through official means more easily)
  • Rename it "update" and ensure that the extension ".zip" remains intact
  • Power off your Quest 2
  • Hold volume "-" and power until the device boots into a bootloader screen
  • Using the Volume buttons, navigate to "Sideload Update" and then press power
  • Connect your Q2 to your PC via the USB-C cable
  • Download the Android Debug Bridge (adb) "SDK Platform Tools" from:
  • Extract all to a suitable folder
  • Move the previously downloaded and renamed firmware file into the newly created folder "platform-tools" containing all adb files
  • In this same folder containing adb files and "" press "shift + right click" to open a command prompt (or powershell) window within the folder
  • Type "adb devices" and press "enter". You should see something like: List of devices attached: 1WHXXXXXXXX sideload     (note: 1WHXXXXXXXX represents your headset's serial number) I had to type ./adb for the commands to work. I was told this on pc  when I just used adp without the ./
  • Type "adb sideload" and press "enter" I had to use ./adb
  • After a few minutes the file will have transferred and your Q2 will begin updating
  • Once updated, you should be able to pair the app with the handset in the usual manner


do you have discord so I can screen share? its a little confusing



Hey there I'm going through the same issue. They say when this problem is happening to hook it up to the oculus app on the computer by hard wiring it to pair it to your account.  That being said I got a replacement for a faulty device through warranty and now can't connect it and when I ask to receive a new device or my money back they just keep telling me that they are currently having stock issues, which they have been telling people for like a year now or 6 months  While still selling them on their website. I've been going back-and-forth with them in email and getting nothing but copy paste responses and deterrence. I've asked for a refund they have not acknowledged the request I have asked for a new device they say that there is no stock and when  I asked for credit towards a new product so that I can just buy one off their website and send back mine in my last email so lets see if they begin to work with me. Its been a hassle for a couple weeks now, and thats already after getting the refurb in the first place.  They've been doing this to a lot of people there's been a lot of complaint about their customer service and not honoring warranties. I'm thinking of putting together a class action lawsuit, DM me on telegram if you think this sound like you and you have a compelling case. @Whitewolf1333 

(I dont own a computer to hook up to)

We have the right to pay for a working product. 

Sorry, I forgot to tell you guys last night that I got it to work.. I got to excited. Thank you both so much for the help though.

Please tell us how. Was it the “firmware” fix? 

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