10-12-2023 09:11 AM
Hello Meta Community,
I just bought an 3rd party link cable, and connected it with my pc and the Meta Quest 2. It worked and I was now standing in the normal white void room or smth. But when I moved my head, the image was jittery and sliced up or something like that. I've provided a video so you can see what I mean.
What I already tried:
- searched in the internet for fixes
- changed settings in the debug tool
- set resolution and framerate down
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Have a great day,
11-06-2023 02:24 PM
Hey @Skyflamme! We thank you for trying some steps on your own; it lets us know you're ahead of the game. We understand that your Link cable is messing up your display in your headset. We know how this can dampen your gameplay and would love to help resolve this for you! If you can please answer the following questions for us:
We also would like for you to try these troubleshooting steps:
Please let us know if any of these steps work!
11-07-2023 02:28 PM
Hey there! We're just following up with you to see if you still need assistance. If so, please provide the information from our previous message and we'll assist. We hope you have a great day!
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