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Latest Gear VR Native compiles broken

Not applicable
Has anyone gotten latest Gear VR Native SDK to compile on Mac?

Oculus on Mac with environment setup and confirmed as per documents.
Yet compiling any Native samples via Eclipse or build commands produces errors evidently related to the various build files.
(i.e. $(aapt) file not found)

I can compile the core libs fine.

Have I overlooked something or is the SDK and supplied samples not meant to compile out of the box?

Grand Champion
Can you copy the full error list and paste it here (please use code tags)? I can have someone take a look. Thanks.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Not applicable
Mac OS X 10.10.3

Did a full removal of Android/oculus and re-installed according to your PDF.

Few notes:
Eclipse starts with a long alert regarding:
cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'd:skin'. No child element is expected at this point.

Error: Error parsing /Users/scottsquires/dev/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk/system-images/android-22/android-wear/armeabi-v7a/devices.xml
etc. Ignoring that.

Paste in PDF echo commands after cleaning them in TextWrangler.
Restart to make sure system is setup.
ndk-build test doesn't work after install even with NDK path set in preferences.
I open .profile and there are garbage characters at head and tail of lines provided by terminal.
I clean those off. Make sure that $ANDROID_NDK is in path
Restart to make sure system is setup.
Install Ant.
Test as per docs.
Restart to make sure system is setup.
Start up Eclipse again.
And of course errors.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Program "ndk-build" not found in PATH VrApi C/C++ Problem
Program "ndk-build" not found in PATH VrAppFramework C/C++ Problem

It's at this point I could start going down a rabbit hole of adding and setting path variables in Eclipse or to .profile to try to fix this.

Which PATH variable is the error referring to? What should it's value be?
What should the .profile file look like when it is finished?
(i.e. not the echo commands but the raw .profile file?)


Not applicable
So I created a new user on my Mac and re-installed all the dev kit as per the MobileSDK documents.


All tests as per documents work. ndk-build, ant, etc.

But when eclipse runs it results in:
ndk-build all
Cannot run program "ndk-build": Unknown reason

Error: Program "ndk-build" not found in PATH

So the PATH is being sheared off and all additional paths are being ignored. Seems to be a munged build file somewhere.

Then I re-installed oculus again and imported all projects, not just libs and specific apps.
This time no complain about missing ndk-build (one of the build files in the VrCubeWorld.. ?)

No problems reported but now apk.

According to the log file:
16:52:03 **** Build of configuration Default for project Oculus360PhotosSDK ****
ndk-build -j16 NDK_DEBUG=1 OVR_DEBUG=1 all
make: /usr/bin/build/core/ No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/bin/build/core/'. Stop.

1. is anyone else on a Mac having these problems?
2. The various path related links and variables seem very fragile. Is there a config file or setting to resolve this?
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