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Launch apps in "unknown sources" remotely

Honored Guest


I am developing some simple applications which I am uploading to my quest 3 headset.
The games get downloaded to the "Unknown sources" folder in my quest 3, and not the main app library.

I have a strong need for being able to launch the apps remotely, either from a computer, tablet, or phone. However, with the Meta Horizon app, I am only able to remotely launch official applications that are in the app library, and not those who are in the "Unkown sources" folder.

My question is: Is there any way to remotely launch applications that are in "Uknown sources"?

If not: Is there any way to move the applications from "uknown sources" to the main app library?



Honored Guest

This may be possible with some of the management systems such as ManageXR, ArborXR, Intune, or Meta for Education or Business solutions for MDM (Mobile Device management) Not having tested recently I would also look for feature to lock in KIOSK mode somehow.

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