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Left Joystick Inverts when the controller is upside down.

Not applicable
I don't know if this is game specific or an Oculus thing, but I've encountered it in multiple games (onward, war dust, stand out). In Games that use the joystick on the touch controller to move around, if for some reason you reach your hand up over your back or move your controller upside down it switches the movement directions. For instance I'm pressing forward on the left joystick to move forward, then I reach up to pull something off my back or look at my watch and now pressing forward on the joystick moves me backwards. I don't know if its just me, but I find this incredibly annoying and aggravating. I don't really understand how that could intuitively make sense to anyone. Does anyone know if there is a way to change this in Oculus or this is just how specific games work? I haven't found any setting in specific game menus.

Not applicable
It must be game specific. I just tried it in "Home".
Forward moves me forward no matter where I point the Touch Controller, or what angle it's rotated to.

Isn't that the expected way for it to work? If you put your hand over your back then it's going to be facing backwards. Pressing forwards on the joystick (in most games) moves in the direction the controller is facing.

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

Well can you turn it off?

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