11-20-2024 02:27 PM
Nearly identical to this thread by Red_Fennec
Last night, 11/19, I put my controllers onto the Quest Pro dock to charge.
Today, I put on my headset and noticed that my left Pro controller refused to connect with my Quest Pro headset. The right controller was unaffected - I noticed that my headset had auto-updated overnight to v71, along with the controllers.
I've tried every option both online and from Meta support directly to reset, restart, repair... nothing has worked. In fact, this has caused it to go from simply not talking to the headset to be completely cut off from it entirely, as I cannot get the left controller to pair back to the Quest Pro headset. It is now stuck with a white and purple blinking light, and trying to pair it to the headset yields an error message in the Meta Horizons app stating "Your headset was disconnected. Please reconnect your headset to continue editing your headset settings." - seemingly immediately when the pair process begins.
I hope Meta understands that the slew of users suddenly submitting almost literally identical reports of this across both the Quest 2, 3, and Pro make it evident that this is not user error and is, in fact, due to an issue with the v71 update; and that this is very much wrong to dismiss with an "out of warranty, please give us $150".
11-20-2024 02:43 PM
Hi, stallingblock2
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we would like to provide the best support possible to all of our users and get this problem resolved.
We would like to ask you to reach out to us through direct message to get the support you need from our dedicated customer service team.
Please could you send us a private message so we can investigate?
Simply click on our name to access our profile page or click here. Once there, select 'Send a message' to privately message us. Please note that you must be signed in to the community before sending a private message.
We look forward to hearing from you!
11-21-2024 08:30 PM
Also had the exact same issue went to get on my Quest 2 on 11/20 and my left controller wasnt connected. So naturally i went to unpair and re-pair the controller only to find out that it cant find the left controller anymore have tried every possible solution ive seen online and nothing is working i played multiple games fine not even 2 weeks ago. Extremely frustrating
11-21-2024 08:36 PM
Hey there ImDigby
We would love to be able to lend a hand with your controller paring issue but would require a little more information to help. We kindly ask that you send us a private message, to do so; please click here. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
Talk soon!
11-30-2024 01:31 PM
I have this same issue and have tried everything for the last few days. Have not found a fix. Stuck with the purple and white light, won't pair and says this
01-01-2025 05:10 PM
I am having the same issue and have been spent about two days now working on the issue. After giving up and leaving my headset to charge for a day, I was able to allegedly solve the bluetooth pairing problem with the headset where the notification keeps saying "Headset Disconnected" while pairing my lost remote. In this case it is my right remote.
Now I am just on this screen and the loading icon keeps spinning.
It seems to be a problem with v71 Version Update.
Now I am just stuck on this page and having a very difficult time with it.
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