08-23-2022 04:47 PM
So as a few other people I see the controller stopped working over night. I've tried new batteries, taking them out for over an hour, repairing them in app. It says it pairs successfully and the controller firmware was updated but still does not work. Then it just flashes 3 times fast (x2) the flashes 3 times slow (x1)
What's going on? Only have right controller and it's getting annoying.
08-24-2022 06:50 PM
Hey @phantom010, it sounds like one of the controllers could be stuck in a firmware update.
Can you try the following:
Now that your headset is powered on, replace the batteries in the controllers and proceed through the pairing process. Hopefully this will let your controller that is stuck in limbo fix itself.
Please let me know how it goes!
08-28-2022 03:28 PM
This also has happened to me. I tried new batteries, re-setting to factory settings, unpairing and repairing, hard restarts and everything else
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