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Left controller not working properly.

Honored Guest

My left controller has not been working properly. It will intermittently the think it's some place else or just be floating in mid air. I have tried to pair and unpair, leave batteries out of the controller for a period of time, and even completely replaced a new set of batteries but nothing has fixed it. I have only had my oculus for about 3 months. Can I receive a replacement? 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Oh no, Daniel! It sounds like your controller isn't doing so good. Our doctor has a strong feeling that your controller has a case of stick drift. 🤒


We recommend reaching out to one of our specialized doctors we have at this link right here! Let them know all of the medication (troubleshooting steps) you've taken so far to help, and they'll be able to determine what they can do to save the patient! 🏥

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