01-08-2024 04:38 PM
My left controller is just spinning. The right works fine. Tried taking out batteries for 15 minutes, put brand new battery in, unpaired then repaired, recalibrate and reboot. Have plenty of light, tried in different rooms. It happens at the home screen and in games. I have yet to do a factory reset as I want to try all steps before I do that. Please advise. Thank you
01-18-2024 10:04 AM
Hey there @MR_Cheddar! We understand you are experiencing issues with your left controller. We'd love to assist you further with this issue, so that you can get back to enjoying those fun games and apps! We have a couple of questions to get a better understanding:
We suggest completing a factory reset using these steps:
Let us know if this helps, as we are eager to assist you!
01-23-2024 08:52 AM
Hello! We know is been a few days but we wanted to see if you're still in need of any assistance!
04-24-2024 01:20 PM
Same here but it’s only in vrchat and blade & sorcery how can I fix’s it because I tried letting the battery’s sit out did nothing I rest the vr nothing happen
04-24-2024 01:40 PM
Hey there, @Brack1shB! We understand that you're reporting issues with your left controller and that it's only happening in VRChat and Blade & Sorcery. Let's work together to get to the bottom of this!
Let's start with some questions:
We look forward to hearing back from you!
04-25-2024 01:51 PM
Hello again, @Brack1shB! We want to make sure that you are fully taken care of. If you still need help with this, please feel free to reach back out!
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