12-14-2024 07:11 AM
When I get on my link cable as usual, I want to play some of my games but some of those games are big games like 1 - 3 or more gigabytes just wont load! when I want to play them they are just on the loading screen forever no matter what I do, I have tried everything, logout of meta link app and back in still wont work, reset my pc, still wont work. I just cant do anything with my games and they seem to be useless now because they cannot be fixed hopefully someone sees this and can help me or even meta.
12-19-2024 02:12 PM
In the Meta app on your PC check under Settings General that Meta Quest Link is set to active under the OpenXR Runtime. For many versions now this setting resets and I have to constantly check that it is set. Otherwise games using OpenXR will just hang when launching. You can kill the game on your PC (should be a blank window). And then set Link to active and the games should launch.
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