06-09-2022 06:07 AM
I have a Rift CV1 with an old (unlinked) Oculus account, and recently purchased a Meta Quest 2 and plan to use my Facebook account with it.
Does this mean I can't use Link to play SteamVR games on the MQ2 since my PC desktop Oculus app is logged into the old Oculus account? Do I need to merge my accounts for this?
What happens if I purchase games on both the Oculus account and the Facebook account and THEN merge them, do all purchases get merged? What would happen if I have the same game on both accounts, but with different DLC's?
06-09-2022 07:49 AM
Having a Facebook account linked is a requirement for Oculus accounts now and you should retain all purchases once merged. If you want to play SteamVR games or PCVR games, you have that option available to you by using Oculus Link. From there, it should open the Oculus app and detect your headset plugged in (or wirelessly if using air link) and you should be able to play PCVR.
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