12-31-2022 08:51 AM
I have been locked out of my account and followed all the steps to recover up to loading an Identification. However no matter how I upload the ID it simply does not accept it. I have tried multiple ids, in multiple lighting and making sure all of the other criteria are met but it will not accept my id.
im now completely locked out of my account such that I had to create a new account just to write this post! There is no where to call or email meta to get a resolution so I’m totally stuck! Please help!
12-31-2022 09:32 AM
Hey there! We understand how stressful losing access to a Facebook account is. We know how important it is to get reconnected again to stay in contact with family and friends. We here at Meta Quest Support help our users with troubleshooting their Meta Quest products. Our team does not have the tools to assist in these types of matters. We're always eager to assist our users, and we can share some helpful resources with you.
The information above would be the extent of the support we could offer. We would highly recommend you check the Facebook Help Center, as this is the best place where you can receive assistance with your Facebook account.
We hope this is helpful to you!
01-08-2023 12:28 AM
I tried this! There is absolutely no way for it to work. And there is no way to contact a human by phone or chat to get it unlocked! I now have lost my access and all my games and can’t use the Headset at all! Awesome!
04:41 PM
- last edited on
12:32 PM
My Personal Facebook Account was Locked.
Please unlock me..
02-07-2023 04:55 PM
Hey Monirul.78249! We see that you are inquiring about needing help with accessing your Facebook. We understand the importance of your issue, however we do have to inform you that here at Meta Quest Support, we only have the tools to help with Meta Quest issues. This means assistance with the hardware, software, and our Meta store. We simply do not have the tools to access any Facebook accounts nor can we help with getting them back. We do not want to leave you empty handed and would like to provide some links to Facebook support which would be better equipped to handle Facebook account issues. Here are a few links to point you in the right direction:
We do hope this has helped get you to where you need to go.
12-08-2024 05:41 AM
My facebook account was hacked i reported to faceboo and it has been recovered i have changed my password and email, but the problem is i get stuck on two factor authentication i feel the hacker must have set up a Google authenticator app for two factor authenticator now i dont have the code to input when i login, i tried the NEED ANOTHER OPTION and they said i should confirm my identity since then i have sent my ID card serveral times its stuill not working i'm just stuck. Is there anyway you could help me?
12-08-2024 05:51 AM
Hello elahsparkel,
It's never ideal when someone accesses your personal accounts without your permission, and we completely understand that this is not the experience that you would like to have on Facebook. However, at Meta Store Support we provide support for Meta Quest products and services only, so we are not able to assist you directly with your Facebook account.
We completely understand that this is not what you would like to hear, and we wish we could do more for you regarding the problems you are having with your Facebook and Instagram accounts. What we can do is advise you to check out the Facebook Help Centre for further advice.
We hope you have a great day and that you are able to get this issue with your accounts resolved as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to reach back out if you have any Meta Store-related or Meta account-related questions or queries!
Did this answer your question? If it didn’t, use our search to find other topics or create your own and other members of the community will help out.
If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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