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Locked out of account

Honored Guest

I've been trying to help my sister to get her meta horizon parental account back. Her account got locked as she did not manage to prove that she is older than 13 years. All her debit cards are instantly rejected when providing them at Providing a Swedish drivers license gets rejected after a couple of hours.

Explaining the problem to the support via does not help. I have received 6 emails, where the last one tells us to authenticate at That is exactly why I contacted support in the first time. Authenticating via does not work! The support has been dead silent since last Wednesday.


My nephew has been locked out of his headset since 7:th of January because of this!


@MetaQuestSupportThis issue needs to be resolved asap!



Honored Guest

Now we got an email where the support wants to close the support ticket. As they have provided a "solution": Use the method of verification that you have reported issues with. This is outrageous!

If someone from Meta sees this, the ticket number is Case #07818713


Hi there @buffer85. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us.


We have just replied to your direct message and we are currently waiting for your response!


If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach back out to us, we are always more than happy to help our VR family!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hello @MetaQuestSupport 

My sisters account has finally been unlocked!

However, we are facing issues with verifying her as a parent to my nephew's account. I have sent another e-mail response to As some of my last e-mails did not reach the support: Can you, please, verify that they have received the e-mail sent today 10:11 CET?

(I tried to send a private message here, but I have been blocked from doing so as we had to exchange a few messages last weekend... Sending 7 private messages is apparently a limit in this forum...)

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