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Locked out of my Instagram account (hacked?)

Honored Guest

'm kinda getting desperate about this. I've tried several different ways to get back into my Instagram account but to no avail. Whenever I sign in, it's asking me to 'verify my identity' by selecting two of the e-mail options there to which they'll send an OTP for me to enter. The issue is in those two options the first e-mail is an e-mail I have now lost access to no matter how hard I try getting it back, just a day before this issue even started I went to my account settings and changed it to an e-mail I have access to, but that e-mail is nowhere to be seen in the options (although it works when I press 'forgot password', I get OTPs to it), and this is the most important point: the second e-mail ID in the options is one that I do not even recognise. I'm sure that I never owned a mail ID like that and even if I did I most definitely did not link it to this account. This has led me into thinking I'm probably hacked. A day ago I was able to at least get to the 'try another way' page and request for selfie video verification or requesting help of two friends. I even did do the request thing, but wasn't able to get both my friends to confirm the notification. I could wait for another day and see if I get the option back but I'm getting tensed and desperate right now and am not taking any risks. Someone please help? I was told that contacting Meta could probably help so I'm doing that. But the problem is that this Instagram account in question is not linked to my Facebook, it's not liked to my Meta, but I can provide as much proof as possible that it's my account. Please help, thank you.


Honored Guest

I am locked out of my instagram as well. Please provide a solution. I just got a new phone and I have an upcoming trial in which I need access to my data from my account 

Honored Guest

Hey, I can help recover. Ping me

Honored Guest

Facebook account locked plz option change gat cod deth of birth 

hey, i want to recover my account

Honored Guest

Instagram request block

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