12-26-2021 09:42 PM
I have been locked out of my oculus quest 2 headset because whenever I try to sign in to my account when prompted by using my Facebook account it tells me that my account is unavailable and to use the app, and when I go to the app and accept the device it still will not let me sign in. I cannot sign in with my oculus account either because Facebook decided to not let us do that anymore. Any help or advice, I tried opening a support ticket but all the options for selecting a product are greyed out.
12-27-2021 05:03 AM
I’m having the exact same issue. I Contacted oculus support and they were not able to help. Super frustrating!!
01-23-2022 02:15 PM
I have this same issue. Don't know what to do!
Factory reset seemed to help at least once, but I can't do that every time I want to use the device!
03-28-2022 07:38 PM
Hi again, I’m going around to hit as many posts as I can with what helped me.
i went to Facebook and settings, disconnected my oculus from access to my profile. At the same time I touched other things, as many as I could. I also added two factor authentication.
there’s a thread here saying that worked for them. Either or, do these. Hope it helped! Oculus is DOES NOT have this answer!
and there is no Facebook support.
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