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Login Problem of Meta Account Due to Microsoft Authenticator Issue on Damaged Phone and Restoration

Honored Guest
The mobile phone with which I had bound the Microsoft Authenticator was damaged. The new mobile phone couldn't successfully restore the Microsoft Authenticator account, so I can't log in to my Meta account normally. In the normal Meta login process, there is only the sole option of using the previous Microsoft Authenticator. Therefore, I hope to get help with logging in here. I can provide the original email address of my Meta account, and this email can be accessed normally.


Fortunately, for the Facebook and Instagram accounts corresponding to the same email, since there were previous normal login statuses on mobile apps or browsers, I can normally operate to remove the previously inaccessible Microsoft Authenticator.


Unfortunately, my Meta account hasn't been logged in on any recent devices. So the login process is stuck at the step of obtaining the confirmation code from the Microsoft Authenticator on the damaged mobile phone. I hope I can get your help. Thank you.

Honored Guest

same issue here, I am about to burst in tears because my FB was linked to META Business account for my company. 

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