05-21-2016 07:30 PM
06-18-2016 06:49 AM
07-17-2019 10:47 AM
08-05-2020 09:29 PM
08-24-2020 06:38 AM
CyberTec002 said:
i have the exact same issue. i had my oculus for a while now and hvnt played with it much decided to play again and it was all good. i stopped then cam back to play and got this problem. it makes me feel dizzy because when i turn my head the image moves up and then gets cut off and continues in a different angle. i am not sure if this is visible in the external monitor. it seems like the internal gyro has gone crazy. is there a way to recalibrate the gyros if they have? how does head tracking work on an oculus? its funny because it was perfectly working and then suddenly not. only when i decided to buy DCS and a hotas 4 then this one came out.
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