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Looking around slightly bends the environment

Honored Guest

Just got everything set up with the CV1. But I'm getting some motion sickness signs while even in the Oculus home and 2 intro experiences. When I look around, the whole picture bends and moves a little from where I expect it to be. It's like if I look at the center, there is an object 6 feet away. If I turn my head 30 degrees, the object would move (perceived) quarter inch in the direction of my head turning. So essentially it does not feel like I'm looking at a solid object at some place, but rather the whole environment shifts slightly every time I move my head.

I'm sitting in a chair, and I have the camera mounted to a wall about 1 feet above my monitor, looking slightly down. Compared to the included stand, it's ~1.5-2 feet higher. Could this cause the issue? Or is this effect normal?

I don't know if everyone has had glasses, but I had a small prescription and wearing them creates a similar distortion turning left and right.

Basically, with the Rift, it's like you can hardly find the sweet spot for the lenses to not create distortion. This seems 100% hardware issue and not software, as in, it's not the position tracking causing things to move. It takes a lot adjusting to minimize this issue.

If you want to notice this more, try raising the headset higher or off just a bit from the sweet spot. Possibly also tilt the display in different ways too. Then turn left and right slowly, you'll probably see some distortion as the image pans across your face.

Did not notice this distortion on the DK1, DK2, and even the VIVE, which made the presence feel more natural 😞

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Anyone fixed this issue with floating camera when you rotate your head? I got my Oculus Rift a week ago and it's more and more noticeable and makes me sick after a while. Seems like it's something with calibration of the headset, Vive doesn't have this problem.

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i have the exact same issue. i had my oculus for a while now and hvnt played with it much decided to play again and it was all good. i stopped then cam back to play and got this problem. it makes me feel dizzy because when i turn my head the image moves up and then gets cut off and continues in a different angle. i am not sure if this is visible in the external monitor. it seems like the internal gyro has gone crazy. is there a way to recalibrate the gyros if they have? how does head tracking work on an oculus? its funny because it was perfectly working and then suddenly not. only when i decided to buy DCS and a hotas 4 then this one came out.

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i have the exact same issue. i had my oculus for a while now and hvnt played with it much decided to play again and it was all good. i stopped then cam back to play and got this problem. it makes me feel dizzy because when i turn my head the image moves up and then gets cut off and continues in a different angle. i am not sure if this is visible in the external monitor. it seems like the internal gyro has gone crazy. is there a way to recalibrate the gyros if they have? how does head tracking work on an oculus? its funny because it was perfectly working and then suddenly not. only when i decided to buy DCS and a hotas 4 then this one came out.

I have the same problem with my oculus quest. I was playing half life alyx and all of the sudden everything started to wobble with minimal movement. Even oculus home screen shifts around erraticaly. I did a factory reset and did not fix the issue. Also controller traking is broken as I can see the controllers further away and bouncing around. Anybody have a solution?
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