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Looking around slightly bends the environment

Honored Guest

Just got everything set up with the CV1. But I'm getting some motion sickness signs while even in the Oculus home and 2 intro experiences. When I look around, the whole picture bends and moves a little from where I expect it to be. It's like if I look at the center, there is an object 6 feet away. If I turn my head 30 degrees, the object would move (perceived) quarter inch in the direction of my head turning. So essentially it does not feel like I'm looking at a solid object at some place, but rather the whole environment shifts slightly every time I move my head.

I'm sitting in a chair, and I have the camera mounted to a wall about 1 feet above my monitor, looking slightly down. Compared to the included stand, it's ~1.5-2 feet higher. Could this cause the issue? Or is this effect normal?

The picture is the most focused the most directly in front of you if that's what you are seeing?

Honored Guest
It's not the focus issue. Whole scene is pretty much in focus. It's something like inaccurate tracking, or improper scene adjustment for the tracking. Imagine if you see a target (concentric circles), and I move my head to follow outer most circle, while looking at the bull's eye, it seems that it's not staying in one position, but rather moves around ever so slightly.

Expert Protege
I got that when I first hooked mine up as well. After adjusting the little slider on the underside and then moving the headset up higher on my face that went away for me. Is this only happening on the Home screen or a specific game?

Honored Guest
I tried this setup a few times. I can't seem to reach very optimal setting so that it's sharp. When vertical lines are sharp, all text is blurred a bit. And I can't get horizontal lines to be sharp. The best I can get at is for lines to look like individual dots, equally so on horizontal and vertical, and for text to be readable. Are they supposed to be as sharp as you'd see on a regular monitor?

There is a an optimal position of your eyes relative to the lenses that will minimize this effect.   You should play with the positioning (don't forget tilt and eye-relief) to find that optimal spot. 

That said - what you are describing is the effect of gaze distortion variation.  The distortion field changes slightly as you move your pupil from the center to the outside of the lens.   Every pupil position behind the lens is a different distortion function, but since there is only a single correction function it can only be "correct" in one place - the center.  Counter-rotating your eye across the lens allows you to see this variance.  Every HMD exhibits this to some degree and you would need high-quality eye tracking and dynamic distortion correction to resolve it.


brantlew said:

There is a an optimal position of your eyes relative to the lenses that will minimize this effect.   You should play with the positioning (don't forget tilt and eye-relief) to find that optimal spot. 

I am having a similar effect where even when looking straight ahead (trying not to look through the outside of the lens), if I rotate my head, it seems like the whole environment moves slightly (like sergeysyrota described) but then over a course of about a second or two, it settles back into place.  I feel like I have found a really good eye position as far as comfort and being sharp in the middle of the sweet spot,and since my eyes aren't moving yet the environment i'm in settles back, it seems like its more of an issue with the tracking then the lenses?

Also, how do you change the eye relief in the CV1?

If you are seeing a the world move after your head stops, then it may be tracking/prediction related.  Anything related to optics will be 100% continuous and will shift in perfect unison with head-motion even at extremely slow head velocity.  Also be mindful if the actual headset is shifting on your face.  If you wear it loose and spin your head the physical device can wobble on your head.

If it is tracking related, do you have any suggestions on how to improve the issue or should I submit a ticket to support? I have tried both USB3.0 ports directly from the X99 chipset as well as ports that use an ASMedia controller but the issue appears the same.  Could this be an issue with the sensor? If I replace the sensor and/or add a second sensor, should that help?  

Adding additional sensors would not help.

First I would note if it seems correlated with particular VR apps.  I've heard reports of "jumps" in specific games like ED.  Probably Home is the baseline app where everything should be working perfectly and compared against.  Also, it sounds like you are describing a tracking "lag" where you get a correction after head motion.  How much delay would you estimate -  2 sec, 1 sec, 1/10 of a sec ? 

Additionally you might consider your tracking placement.  Is the sensor mounted to the side?  Do you see "jumps" as the camera view transitions from the front of the headset to the back?  Are their any occlusions like big headphones or big hair that would be blocking view of parts of the headset as you turn away from it?
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