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Losing internet connection in Walkabout Mini Golf

Honored Guest

Hi there

Not sure if this is a question I should ask Mighty Coconut or Meta or both

I have a Quest 2 and just got a Quest 3

The whole time I have had my Quest 2 (2 or 3 years now I think) Occasionally I lose my internet connection for a few seconds and then I pop back into my game (Walkabout Mini Golf) and continue on right where I left off.  Now when I am on the Quest 2 when I lose my connection I pop back in at the beginning of the course and have to start over while everyone else in the game continues on - I'm concerned if this happens when I am playing a match it will cause big problems if I have to start over.  This has happened 4 times (Dec-Jan) (it might have also happened on the Quest 3 but now I'm not sure - but for sure on the Quest 2)

Any insight on this would be great!


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