12-26-2024 10:08 PM
Hello, I've lost my Facebook account (Account linked to Meta VR Quest 2 and 3) This individual changed the email account from it, the Instagram account and the phone number to THIER OWN SOCIALS. I’ve tried EVERY single article, support link, multiple emails, everything to get my account back. So sharing a link here wont help. It says my account it’s suspended and to appeal for it id need to log in to that persons Instagram which of course I don’t have. My children are not able to use OUR TWO devices because of this issue, we have purchase history on there, games that we’ve bought and are not able to access. I've tried sending a PM to metaquestsupport but it wont go through, this account might be too fresh.
01-05-2025 02:19 PM
There has been a lot of hacking going on lately. Reddit has some extensive discussions about some of the problems and the things people have tried to get their accounts back.
Some users are also victimized a second time when sleazes PM them saying they can help by using their own Verified and/or business accounts, or even that they know someone at Meta who can fix it… all for a fee, of course. Be Careful!
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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