12-26-2024 08:50 PM
I've Been using link with my quest 2, the problem is I’ve been getting extremely low fps usually 15-5. However on boneworks is get around 72 so i was wondering why can’t I play lower demanding games like rec room? But boneworks runs so well. It’s frustrating because I’ve tried many things like oculus debug tool, oculus files, and nothing works. And I have an up to date cable. My specs are 3060 laptop and Ryzen 7 5800h, which should be able to comfortably run vr. But I do have integrated graphics which I have to disable through device manager if I wanna do link. If I don’t disable it then link doesn't work. Which also might be a reason I’m laggy in vr. I’m very inexperienced on this so I would be very grateful if someone gives me an answer ( I’ve also tried air link and it works very well other than some jitter because of my internet but cable is preferred)
12-26-2024 09:49 PM
The bottleneck is most likely your video card. Their were certain games that were mostly unplayable for me on my former card which was an Nvidia 2060 super. I had been using the REframework mods in VR but games like RE4 remake would literally run in slow motion on that card. I upgraded to an Nvidia 4060 OC card and problem solved!
12-26-2024 09:58 PM
Ruben 7 5800 and 3060 isn’t bottleneck thought
12-26-2024 09:58 PM
And I’ve seen YouTube videos of other people with my laptop running vr very smoothly
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